Protecting inlets during the construction phase is the most important step in providing an effective erosion control plan. We offer several options for protecting curb and area inlets including:
Silt Fence- Silt fence installed around area inlets, or in front of curb inlets prior to curbs being poured.
Mulch Filter Bags- 8” Mesh tubing filled with mulch chips. Can be cut to any length. Economical and re-usable
Rock Bags- 8” Mesh tubing filled with gravel.
Wattles- 9” Mesh tubing filled with rice straw. Can be cut to any length
DOT Area inlet boxes- Silt fence with wire backing attached to a box frame built with 2×4”’s
Gravel Filters- This method has several variances. Constructed with or without cinder blocks, using either silt fence fabric or chicken wire to hold loose gravel to create a gravel filter around area inlets or in curb inlets.