Drill seeding is a traditional process for seeding large highway, commercial, or industrial projects. We have completed projects that range from 1 Acre to 300+ Acres Our standard process is as follows:
Fertilize- Broadcast fertilizer with either our small hoppers, or a large buggy from a local coop for larger projects.
Prepare seed bed- This process is done either by disking, Harley rake, or harrowing soil. Fertilizing before this process ensures that the fertilizer is incorporated into the soil providing nutrients for the newly germinated grass.
Drill grass seed- This process is done with one of our grass drills. We have drills ranging from 7’-12’ wide, including ones that attach to skid loaders for areas that are in accessible for our farm tractors. We can also broadcast seed instead of drilling to achieve a more uniform coverage. When this is done we also harrow over the newly seeded area to help incorporate the seed with the soil.
Mulching- Cover newly seeded areas with straw or hay. This can be done with a small bale blower or a large round bale blower. We typically try and cover seeded areas with 1.5-2 ton per acre.
Crimping- Using one of our strait blade crimpers, we “punch” the mulch into the ground to help secure and hold it in place.
Straw Tack- Straw Tack is a slurry made from post-consumer recycled paper, tackifier, and water. The slurry is then sprayed over vegetative mulch (straw, or hay) to glue the fibers together. This process is very effective, and is commonly used on state DOT projects.